Many of us have just come to the end of a fiscal year, matched up to the calendar year. Why not get a jump on tax time for the following year? Your box of receipts may still haunt you until you hire a book keeper for this year’s tax, but next year could be a different story for you.
Pick up at your local office supply store an accordian folder with at least 12 tabs. They are often available as 6, 13, 31 (date) or 26 (alphabetical) tabs. Label the tabs by month.
Use this monthly organization to put all your receipts for 2009. Each time a receipt comes in, drop it in the relevant tab slot. If your business is big enough, you may wish to have one for revenue and one for expenses.
If you are using electronic files, consider the opportunity to convert your paper receipts into electronic documents using tools such as offered by The Neat Company.
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