I have written a couple of times recently on the importance of establishing hot files in your office or work area, (see Hot, Hot, Hot, The Disappearing Desk). One question which consistently surfaces when working with clients, is “what is the optimal place for the hot files?”
The answer? There isn’t one; the location of the hot files really depends on how you function in your office. The best location will depend on your organizing personality, the nature of your work and the space you have available. Here are some examples in no particular order:
- In a vertical file holder on your desk. Works well if you have the space on your desk, your need to see the files right in front of you.
- In the top drawer of your filing cabinet. Works well if you have the file space, you require visual calm in your office, you don’t need the visual cues to remember what’s there.
- In a vertical file holder on your credenza (table). Works well if you have the space on a credenza or table, you need visual cues to remember what’s in them.
- In the file drawer on the right/left pedestal of your desk. Works well if you require visual calm, have the space in the drawer, are in and out of the files freqently during the day, don’t need them right in front of you to remember what’s in them.
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