Do you think you could tell if you worked beside someone who is hoarding? Would their work behaviour reflect hoarding behaviour at home?
Probably not – people who hoard do not normally brag about their hoarding behaviour. In fact, most of them are very private and often have not let anyone in their home for many years. Normally they can not be identified from anyone else walking down the street or sitting at the next desk.
Professional organizers do not normally go public with the names of their clients ~ client confidentiality is a key ingredient and ethical imperative in the organizing business.
So this situation is really unusual. I am currently working with Bruce Kirkland, senior entertainment writer for Sun Media. Having been interviewed for an article on hoarding, the reporter, Rachel Sa approached Bruce about participating in a series of articles to publish our work in hopes that other people struggling with hoarding behaviour would see there is hope, and help, available.
I invite you to follow our work and Bruce’s progress. This is a very brave thing for Bruce and Rachel to do.
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