With the new year looming, most people have already picked up their calendar for next year. Some of you are die hard e-calendar types and just keep scrolling on down the screen while 2012 comes up to great you.
The rest of us are not and still prefer the paper version. It has been my experience that many individuals with a strong kinesthetic preference for learning and digesting information, still benefit from the writing and page turning of a paper calendar to anchor schedules and time frames in their minds. If you fall into this category, it is important to understand that you are using a modality that works for you. It may be necessary to use a second e-calendar for work if your company business practices require one.
On the other hand if you are cyber-savvy and tied to your electronic phone/tablet/laptop you may be a good candidate to consider moving to an e-calendar. Individuals in this category likely email appointments to colleagues and family members including teacher interviews. Some even share common calendars on cyberspace through email providers.
Whichever you choose, the most important criteria, is that it works for you. There is no point in using an e-calendar if you don’t have a devise with you all the time or perhaps can’t share with your co-workers, colleagues or family calender information they also need.
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